42 specticle herbicide damage
Specticle G - Approved English Label - 17April2019 SPECTICLE G Herbicide controls weeds by reducing the emergence of seedlings through inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis (CB Inhibitor). Necrosis or yellowing may also be ... removal of granules from leaves to prevent localized damage, wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes plus socks and chemical-resistant gloves. During application by ... Glyphosate Farm, Ranch, Range & Pasture Herbicides. Ranch ... ProDeuce Herbicide, dual-action combines prodiamine and glyphosate, two of the most trusted turf and lawn care solutions, into one convenient formulation. One application is often all you need; ProDeuce reduces the cost and damage associated with mechanical trimmers and decreases labor inputs. Active Ingredient: Glyphosate 40.15% + Prodiamine 7.51%
Specticle | Lawn Care Forum Specticle moves under flooded conditions. It will severely root prune labeled turf if that grass is subjected to flooding/standing water after application. That is what happened here when some golf courses applied before flash flooding and had damage wherever water pooled. S Skipster Registered Joined Dec 30, 2010 1,094 Posts #4 · Oct 28, 2015
Specticle herbicide damage
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE ... - Bayer Note: Specticle may cause injury to kikuyu if application is made at times other than in the spring. 125 mL/ha applied twice as a split application at a 4- to 6-week spray interval Apply in 200-500 L water per ha Split application program This program is recommended on turf grown in coarse and // The Problem - Backed By Bayer weed growth before applying Specticle FLO. Avoid contact of spray containing a non- selective herbicide with foliage, stems, green bark or bare roots of turfgrasses, trees, shrubs or other desirable vegetation, since severe damage may result. Specticle Total 16.0 fl oz/ 1,000 sq ft Specticle FLO Herbicide Product | Bayer Environmental Science US Specticle G Specticle G is a versatile, premergence herbicide that sets... See product Fungicide Signature Xtra Stressgard Enhanced Stressgard Formulation Technology for proven plant... See product Insecticide Dylox 6.2 Dylox 6.2 works by both contact and ingestion. It rescues... See product Insecticide Dylox 420 SL
Specticle herbicide damage. PDF HERBICIDE 1 Gallon - PestWeb SPECTICLE FLO HERBICIDE may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. ... Uniform application is essential for satisfactory weed control. Avoid skips for . 1. Specticle Flo 1 gallon 86699648A 190417AV1 etl 060419.qxp_Specticle Flo 1 gallon 86699648A 190417AV1 etl 060419 6/4/ 4" ... Specticle Total Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com Specticle Total Herbicide is a powerful formula that provides instant knockdown and non-selective, residual control of broadleaf and grassy weeds for up to 6 months. It contains a unique combination of active ingredients which effectively manage existing weeds and keep new ones from growing. Specticle G Pre-Emergent Herbicide | Solutions Pest & Lawn With prodiamine as its active ingredient, Barricade can prevent many of the same weeds but a more economical price. Specticle G Pre-Emergent Herbicide is a granular pre-emergent weed killer designed to control over 90 different grassy and broadleaf weeds. It is easy-to-use and great for applying to turf and ornamentals. Product Name. Price. Qty. Specticle G - Bayer Environmental Science Canada Pre-emergent weed control in container-grown ornamentals, trees, and shrubs. Key Features • Low use rate • Reduces labour costs with fewer applications and less cleanup ... Specticle G may cause localized injury to the foliage, especially young leaf tissue. If the granules should contact or adhere to the foliage, remove from affected ...
Specticle FLO - DoMyOwn.com SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLO in strict accordance to the label. Solutions - Backed By Bayer Plant damage will occur if Specticle Total contacts foliage. Specticle G Specticle FLO Specticle Total Before treating any natural areas, please read the label to identify the weeds that are controlled, as well as which turfgrasses and ornamentals are tolerant when exposed to Specticle. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. PBI Herbicide | Clesens Generally, injury symptoms to weeds can be noticed within hours of the application and plant death can occur within 7 to 14 days. ... Weed control can occur 2X faster - in 14 days - instead of 28 days! A water-based formulation, Surge provides an economical option for your client's late spring, early summer and fall weed control needs. Surge ... Specticle FLO Help - Questions and Answers - DoMyOwn.com Specticle FLO may be applied at different rates depending on the turf you are spraying on and the weeds you are trying to control. If you are using the highest rate of 10oz per acre, it breaks down to roughly 0.23 oz of Specticle per 1000 sq/ft in no less than 1-2 gallons of water for full and even application.
PDF TABLE 1. Turfgrass tolerance to selected herbicides* If sufficient rainfall is not received, irrigation should be applied to activate the herbicide. Be sure to read and follow the manufacturer's label for maximum weed control and application instructions. Use a good quality spreader and make every effort to apply the product uniformly to the lawn. A good practice to ensure uniform application is to Turf Damage on fairways - Hawaii Golf Course Superintendents ... Specticle herbicide damage alert. could you please forward this everyone, I know some people have some damage here but it looks like also in Florida. Thanks Russ FYI, over the past 2-3 weeks we have been getting calls about damage after applications of Bayer's new preemergent. Problems are being experienced on both bermuda and paspalum. Preventing and Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in ... As of 2014, more than 420 unique cases of herbicide-resistant weeds have been reported globally (Heap, 2014). That equates to 232 species having evolved resistance to 22 of 25 known herbicide sites of action and to 152 different herbicides. Table 1 lists herbicide-resistant turfgrass weeds of Mississippi as of 2014. PDF RESIDUAL NON-SELECTIVE HERBICIDE - Batzner Pest Control SPECTICLE TOTAL is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil. SPEC- TICLE TOTAL may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to contact foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE TOTAL in strict ac- cordance to the label. Be sure to follow all label restrictions. PRODUCT RESTRICTIONS
PDF U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of Pesticide Programs -1540 ... Coarse or sandy soils may allow for downward movement of SPECTICLE 0.0107% plus Turf Fertilizer Herbicideinto the root zone and cause significant root damage and phytotoxicity. Coarse soils, for example, may include significant quantities of sand, gravel, decomposed granite, and ground cinders.
Specticle, 1 litre, Bayer herbicide | Nexles Australia $261.8 Product information SPECTICLE is a selective, pre-emergent herbicide that provides residual control of certain grass weeds on established warm-season turf on golf course fairways. It is designed to control weeds by reducing the emergence of seedlings through inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis (CB inhibitor).
PDF Safety Data Sheet Specticle ® Herbicide Specticle ® Herbicide 1/9 Version 1 / AUS Revision Date: 14.06.2016 102000023686 Print Date: 14.06.2016 1/9 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIER ... H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure if swallowed. Acute aquatic toxicity: Category 1
PDF A PRE-EMERGENT - Nuturf Specticle® is a new and innovative herbicide for warm-season turf that sets a new standard for pre-emergent weed control. It provides up to 8 months of Poa is a major problem. I'd like to stop the pre-emergent control in warm-season grasses. Delivering an exceptional level of protection against Poa annua, crowsfoot grass
Specticle Herbicide - Bayer To minimize effects on sensitive grasses, irrigate after application as directed on the Specticle label. Local conditions such as soil compaction, slope, amount and timing of irrigation or rainfall and sensitivity and growth stage of non-target plant species may affect the severity of damage. Similar Products Herbicide
Weed Control in Home Lawns | UGA Cooperative Extension Mar 09, 2015 · An herbicide is a chemical used to control weed growth and development. Before an herbicide is labeled for use in home lawns, it is thoroughly investigated by chemical companies, land-grant universities and various regulatory agencies. At rates required for weed control, the herbicide must be proven safe to humans, the environment and turfgrasses.
Marengo (indaziflam) or Specticle | NC State Extension Publications Spray applications over the top of crop plants can be injure plants. Young, tender foliage is more sensitive to injury than mature foliage. Do not use the SC formulation in container crops. Not for use in propagation beds, herbaceous perennials, or liner production. Injury to hydrangea and euonymus has been reported.
PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, SPECTICLE TOTAL, 11/18/2013 SPECTICLE TOTAL is a non-selective, residual herbicide that offers broad-spectrum control of many annual weeds, perennial weeds, shrubs, and trees. SPECTICLE TOTAL is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil. SPECTICLE TOTAL may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to contact foliage.
Weed control for highly trafficked bermudagrass The top recommended products for common and hard-to-control weeds in trafficked bermudagrass would be products containing metsulfuron (MSM Turf) or sulfosulfuron (Certainty), and they both require 0.25% V/V of NIS. Sulfosulfuron can also be used for grass and sedge control as well. Quinclorac is another herbicide that can effectively control ...
PDF GROUP 29 HERBICIDE - LabelSDS SPECTICLE FLOis a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLOmay damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLOin strict ac- cordance to the label.
Common Landscape Herbicides and Their Effects on Trees Indaziflam (Specticle) is the herbicide in this class that is commonly encountered in landscape settings. Damage to woody species is rare when label recommendations are followed, and any injury encountered is typically the result of drift. ... Diagnosing herbicide injury on garden and landscape plants. Purdue Extension publication ID-184-W. 4p ...
Specticle FLO Herbicide - 18 Ounces - Seed Ranch Specitcle FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field-grown woody ornamentals. Specticle FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply Specticle FLO in strict accordance to the label.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN - Bayer SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLO in strict accordance to the label.
PDF Phytotoxicity and efficacy evaluations of Specticle G compared to ... 800 lb/ac Specticle. The fountain grass did show some injury early on from Specticle G, but there was virtually no injury after 8 WAT from any of the herbicides (Table 1). Conclusions: Data from this trial indicates that Specticle G will provide good to excellent weed control depending on the rate. Efficacy was statistically similar between
Specticle FLO Herbicide Product | Bayer Environmental Science US Specticle G Specticle G is a versatile, premergence herbicide that sets... See product Fungicide Signature Xtra Stressgard Enhanced Stressgard Formulation Technology for proven plant... See product Insecticide Dylox 6.2 Dylox 6.2 works by both contact and ingestion. It rescues... See product Insecticide Dylox 420 SL
// The Problem - Backed By Bayer weed growth before applying Specticle FLO. Avoid contact of spray containing a non- selective herbicide with foliage, stems, green bark or bare roots of turfgrasses, trees, shrubs or other desirable vegetation, since severe damage may result. Specticle Total 16.0 fl oz/ 1,000 sq ft
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE ... - Bayer Note: Specticle may cause injury to kikuyu if application is made at times other than in the spring. 125 mL/ha applied twice as a split application at a 4- to 6-week spray interval Apply in 200-500 L water per ha Split application program This program is recommended on turf grown in coarse and
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